VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)


think vs thought 

pot 锅

Speaking exercise

  • Today I played Tennis.
  • I have a private tennis teacher who teaches me the sport / tennis
  • I took my lesson for about 2 hours.
  • My tennis coach is not from Shanghai… He is from somewhere else in China.
  • My cat don’t like to eat rice ——> My cat doesn’t like to eat rice.
  • She knows how to cook  4 to 5 things very well <—–>  她很懂得如何煮4到5件东西
  • For drinks I like to have Coca-Cola, and my mother says that I drink milk like I am drinking water.


strategy games like Chess

ex. I like to play strategy games like chess.

Everyday – mei tian 

I drink milk everyday . 我每天喝牛奶。—-> I drink milk almost everyday. 

Recipe 食谱


She turns the food into charcoal – 她把食物变成木炭

Instant Noodles – 方便面

ex. I know how cook, I am very experienced, I can only cook instant noodles. 

pot 锅

Do you like to eat Hot Pot?

to feel

ex. I don’t feel hungry because I had lunch.

ex. I feel full because I had lunch. 

Hot Pot – hou gou – the hot shared soup during the Chinese winter time

I did not eat a hot dog in my hot pot! 

to separate  – I like to eat spicy meat —-> I separate the meat to the spicy soup and everything else to the not-spicy side.

A Carnivore (noun) Carnivorous (adjective)

ex. Jerry only eats meat, so he is a carnivore.  He is carnivorous. 

If you could be any animal what would you be? If I could an animal, then I would be a Cat or an Owl. 

Image result for house cat animals pictures Image result for pygymy owl

Chinglish “Mice taste difficult ” 老鼠尝起来很难 ——> “Mice don’t taste so good,”

My cat doesn’t like to eat rice