VIP Class Notes (Li)[R]


1) Review the vocabulary from the last class and this class.

2) Tell me another story which has a moral. What is the moral of the story?

Today we focused on:

Reading “The Lion and the Mouse”

Needs more review

treat – to give someone sth special like a present or food etc.

ex. Her teacher treated her with a special lunch.

ex. The old lady brought many treats to share with the children.

ex. James gave his friends a treat by buying them lunch.

customer – sbd who shops at a place or eats at a restaurant

ex. Many customers were unhappy with the food in this restaurant.

ex. The customer was angry because the shop assistant gave him the wrong change.

fussy – to describe someone who is hard to please and has high standards about many things 啰嗦; 难以满足的

ex. Some shoppers are very fussy.

ex. He’s a very fussy eater.

annoy – to make sbd angry

ex. You will annoy me if you jump on the chair and sing out loud.

ex. Singing out loud at 12 midnight will annoy the neighbours.


I didn’t mean to do it – 我不是故意的

mighty – very large, powerful or important 强大的;巨大的;伟大的

ex. The mighty lion almost ate the little mouse.

ex. He saved many people with his mighty strength.

roar – the loud sound that lions make

get trapped –  get stuck in a trap

ex. The mouse got trapped under the sink.

frightened – scared

ex. The mighty lion was frightened when he got trapped.

Is it possible? – 可能吗

moral – the message of a story which makes you think what is right or wrong