VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


The Little Cook 

Betty was a little girl who lived many years ago. She was not very big, but she had learned to help her mother. She could wash the dishes and mend the stockings. She could spin, too. But best of all she liked to cook.

One day Betty was alone at home. Her father and mother and brother had gone to town to see a great sight. President Washington was making a journey through the country. He was going from town to town, in a fine coach pulled by six white horses. Four soldiers rode in front of the coach, and four others rode behind it. They were all dressed in white and gold.

At every town crowds of people waited to see the President. Little girls threw flowers before him as he rode along, and little boys, dressed like soldiers, marched to meet him. Betty’s brother John was to be one of these boys today. But Betty could not see this wonderful sight. Someone had to stay at home to keep the house.

“I will stay, Mother,” Betty had said. “John must march with the boys to meet the President. I will stay at home and cook supper for you.” Betty felt very sad that morning as her parents rode away. She did want to see George Washington, the first president of our country.

By seven o’clock her work was finished. She sat on the front porch and watched the people going to town. “Oh, if I could only see the President,” she said to herself. But what sound was that? Someone was coming! Four soldiers were galloping along the road on horseback. Behind them came a great white coach, which was pulled by sic white horses.

Betty jumped up, for they all stopped in front of the house. A tall man stepped from the coach and came up the path to the porch. He took off his hat as he reached the steps. “Good morning,” said the tall man. “Can you give me some breakfast?” “I’ll try, sir,” said Betty with a smile. “My parents have taken Brother John to town to see the great George Washington. I am all alone here and have no one to help me.”

“If you are as quick as you are pretty, you won’t need any help,” said the man. “Just get a good breakfast for me, and I promise that you shall see Washington before your brother does.” Betty almost danced with joy. “I will do the best I can, sir,” she said.

Quickly she put on a clean apron. The she spread a white cloth on the table and set up the best dishes and silver. SHe brought cold meat and bread from the cupboard, and ran to the cellar for butter and cream. She put fresh eggs into boiling water and cut pieces of the cold meat. When everything was ready, she called the hungry man to the table.

He had a fine breakfast. As he left the table, he smiled and kissed the child. “Now, my dear little cook,” he said, “you may tell your brother John that you saw Washington before he did, and that he kissed you, too.”


good 好 – better 更好 – best 最好

bad 坏 – worse 更坏 – worst 最坏

much 多 – more 更多 – most 最多

little 少 – less 更少 – least 最少

happy 开心 – sad 伤心

short 短 – long 长

old 旧 – new 新

clean 干净 – dirty 脏

light 明亮的 – dark 黑暗的

easy 简单 – difficult 复杂

right 正确 – wrong 错误

few 少的 – many 多的

front 前面 – back 后面

hard 硬的 – soft 软的

slow 慢的 – fast 快的 / quick 敏捷的

large 大的 – small 小的

closed 关的 – open 开的

little 小的 – big 大的

empty 空的 – full 满的

dry 干的 – wet 湿的

same 相同的 – different 不同的

spring – 春

wood – 树林

kite – 风筝

sky – 天空

farm – 农场

countryside – 农村

picnic – 野餐

tent – 帐篷

fishing – 钓鱼

swan – 天鹅

summer – 夏

cloud – 云

whale – 鲸鱼

sea – 海

beach – 海滩

sand – 沙

towel – 毛巾

ice cream – 冰激凌

spade – 铲子

bucket – 桶

swimsuit – 游泳衣

shell – 贝壳

crab – 螃蟹


Review the vocab from today