VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

How to response to telemarketing

The way I usually deal with the person who call and try to sell their products or service to me is to reject them politely before hanging up the phone. Sometimes, I received several calls a day but I would still turn them down with manner without losing my temper even when the time I was very busy. It is because I know how difficult to sell things in this way and these salesmen/saleswomen must receive dozens of or hundreds of rejections every day. I kind of admire their bravery and how they process the negative energy before make the next call. Sometimes, I will imagine if I was one of these saleswomen and how many rejections I can take in one day. I think I can take rejections, however, in some of the cases, people will accuse that this is a scam and hang up the phone rudely. That is deal breaker for me so I can never sell things in this way.

How to respond / reply to telemarketing

The way I usually deal with the people who call and try to sell their products or services to me is to reject them politely before hanging up the phone. Sometimes, I receive several calls a day but I still turn them down with (good) manners without losing my temper even when I am very busy. It is because I know how difficult it is to sell things in this way and these salesmen/saleswomen must receive dozens of or hundreds of rejections every day. I kind of admire their bravery and how they process the negative energy before making the next call. Sometimes, I imagine being one of these saleswomen and how many rejections I could take in one day. I think I can take / deal with / handle / accept rejection, however, in some cases, people will accuse them of scamming them / accuse them of being a scammer and end the call abruptly. That is a deal breaker for me so I could never sell things in this way.


hash / pound = #
* star – asterisk

once burned twice shy 

two steps forward one step back 

imagine you were rich
imagine being rich

I know how difficult it is to sell things.
Is it difficult to sell things?

some times / a few times 
eg. he called me some times, maybe 3 or 4, and then stopped calling


woman – wu men 
women – wi men

favourite – fay vret 

twentieth – 2oth