VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


legal < > illegal (police say you can’t do it)
eg. smoking on the plane is illegal

throw up – tu
eg. the boy needed to throw up

CPR – when you try to give someone air and help their heart beat
eg. the doctor gave the patient CPR

child proof – sth that stops kids from opening or using things
eg. the medicine container was child proof

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean on the plane 

There is a boy sitting next to him who is not feeling good / well so he does something funny to make the boy laugh / to entertain the boy. He takes out his favourite teddy bear and puts jams its head into the tray table and yells “help help help” but the boy feels nothing / isn’t interested. Then he comes out up with another plan. He takes out 3 pieces of paper and sticks it them in his mouth and on his eyebrows and says “bla bla bla bla” but the boy is still not very happy so he takes out the life vest and blows on the whistle. Mr Bean pretends that he is having a throw up throwing up and he blows into the bag and but the boy isn’t feeling good / well so he takes out his bag and had a throw up throws up. Mr Bean thinks he is acting so he takes his bag and blows into it and he hits it and the disgusting things vomit blows / flies out.

Mr Bean at New Years Eve 

Mr Bean made some hats with the newspapers and puts it them on the teddy bear’s head and his head. Then when his friends arrived he took his friends’ coats and put it them on his door. Then, he realised that he had to give his friends something to eat so he went into the kitchen and then he found out there isn’t enough cookies and wine for them to eat and drink so he pours vinegars into the cups and he cut some twigs and made them into stick cookies. After that his friends were waiting for him for a long time so they came up with a plan which was to destroy his clock and pretend that they were very sleepy and put on their jackets to go home / to leave / to go to another party.