VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Needs more review

dormitory (n)-宿舍-a large room containing many beds

summer camp
eg. during / in summer I go to summer camp

E.g.: salt and pepper
E.g.: Can you pass the salt, please?

hike-徒步旅行-a long walk, especially in the countryside
E.g.: They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest.


word – dan ci

remember – ji de

ago = qian (time)
eg. i went hiking 2 years ago


he with his friends hikehe hiked with his friends 

Speaking exercise

have you been camping or hiking before?

Yes I have been hiking with my parents and sister. 2 years ago we go to the Hangzhou listen to a special big bell sound. In Hangzhou my mother has a home so we walked to has a special big bell place. When we arrived, we listened bell sounds. They are not nice. During CNY in the last second some people hit the big bell.

Yes I have been hiking with my parents and sister and I feel it was so fun. 2 years ago we went to Hangzhou to listen to a special big bell sound because my father wanted to go. In Hangzhou my mother has a home so we walked to the place that has the special bell. When we arrived, we listened bell sounds but they were not nice. During CNY in the last second some people hit the big bell but I was so tired so I was not so happy.

and / but / because / so / when / if