VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Review today’s notes. Write a story about your trip to Sanya. Remember: past tense!

Needs more review

fun = makes you happy / excited
eg. I have a game – it’s fun

funny = makes you laugh
eg. the lion looks funny

teammate – dui you
eg. my teammate is not very good

sketch – to draw something with a pencil
eg. I sketch my favourite things in my sketch book

cover – the outside of a book
eg. the cover of the book is cool

I come here to study English
I come here for English

go to my homego home 

past – 过去时
eg. come in the past is “came”
future – 将来时
eg. the future of “go” is “will go”

go – went (past)
come – came (past)
walk – walked (past)
do – did (past)
have – had (past)

when I come here I’m happy – 当我来这里我很开心


review – 复习

my battery is dead / my phone has no power 

August September October November December

What does it mean? = 这个是什么意思?

take off (qi fei) < > landing (zhuo lu)

arrive (dao) < > leave (zou)

take time / takes time / took time 
eg. it takes 1 hour to get to SE

spend money / spend time
eg. I spend 1 hour to get to SE

Speaking exercise

this week you didn’t go to school? No i didn’t because it is winter vacation.

winter vacation is 1 month from January 19th to February 26th

I went to the airport to fly to Sanya because it’s winter vacation. it was 5 am when we took off. The plane was huge and it was new. It took 3 hours to arrive. My mother and father slept on the plane but I didn’t. The breakfast was yummy. I ate cakes and dumplings.