VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


the girl who just came here

the girl who was here before

she doesn’t work here?

most of people most people 

looks are not the most important thing / they are not everything


do you send him money?

loved ones – qin ren
eg. I think my loved ones are very important to me

it depends on the bad parts of their personality 

selfish – zi si

ignorant – wu zhi

other countries don’t have this, I think this is just in China / they don’t have this technology overseas / abroad

pocket – kou dai

i worry i make mistakes 

the weather is really good today

great / amazing / so good / really good 

part time / full time
eg. Claire was full time but Jessica is part time / she is a part time assistant

proactive – sb who always does things without you asking / zhu dong de
eg. Jessica is very proactive at work

do you know many religious people?

I don’t have many religious friends

Buddhist – fo jiao de ren
Buddhism – fo jiao
Buddha – fo
eg. Buddhist people believe in Buddhism

temple – si miao

pray – to talk to god
eg. I went to the temple to pray for Pipi

memory (n) – sth you experienced that you remember
eg. I have many good memories of Pipi

remind me – ti xing wo