VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

go through coffee types – look at charts online


lift / chair lift – snow lift
cable car – tourists to see high places (inside the car)
eg. I took a chair lift to the top of the mountain

porridge –  oats

congee – rice

competition – bi sai / dui shou
eg. there is so much competition in the milk tea business

energy – neng liang
eg. coffee gives me energy / I have no energy without coffee

appetite – how much you can eat
eg. I have a big appetite at night

diet – jian fei
eg. I was on a diet for 1 day but I couldn’t continue it

waist – around the middle of your body
eg. I have a lot of fat below the waist

cardio – running / swimming – to make your heart beat fast
eg. cardio is best for burning fat

sliced bread – bread that you cut thin
eg. sandwiches are made with sliced bread

1/3 – a third 

shot – nong suo
eg. I have 2 shots in my coffee


i have been to it a few years ago – I have been there before / I went there a few years ago 

find it on the web look it up online / I find it online