VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Many of your must have had this experience before, no matter how hard you try and practice it’s hard to get deeper and create space for your thoracic chest during back bending. This is likely not only about your flexibility, but the restriction may also be from your habitual posture, which locks and compresses / has locked and compressed your small joint in your thoracic spine. So today we will be using a therapeutic way to unlock it which will allow for more space, and for you to have your full range of motion back and increase the performance of your Asana practice.

So we will begin by having a quick test to see your range of motion. So let’s begin – Person A, simply bring your feet together while person B stands behind you. Person B, ask them to twist to the right first, past 100 degrees aiming for the far shoulder to go beyond the mid point, and if they have passed 100 degree point, person A should be able to see the far shoulder. After right, switch to twisting to the left.

Put your legs out in front of you and cross your ankles to lock your hips to ensure the twisting comes from your chest rather than your lower back. Interlace your fingers behind your head, breathe and twist to the right, going to your limit, and from there, swing right elbow down as the left elbow comes up, do this 3-5 times, remember to breathe. Then, turn further around to your new limit and repeat the movement 3-5 times again. After each set, twist to your new limit and repeat the 3-5 reps. Remember to breathe and move in a controlled way.

I will integrate this exercise into Asana practice for whoever is a regular practitioner or teacher so they can use this in their own practice or to benefit their students.

be = am is are was were

homebody – sb who likes to stay at home

eg. thank you for your attentiveness