VIP Class Notes (Jacob)


Flash – a light that you only see for 1 second
Flash cards – cards that you can use to quickly learn words

Synonyms – different words that share the same meanings (just different level of description)  like big, large, huge, giant, massive, gigantic, colossal
Thesaurus – a dictionary to find synonyms
antonyms – words with opposite meaning (hot/cold, big/small, large/little, warm/cool)

Insist – to keep asking until you get what you want or start to get pushy

Bills (美国) / Notes (英国) – money made from paper
Metal – 金属
Coin – small money made from metal

Calendar – something that can tell you the date (on your phone, computer, or paper)

Do sports/activity – 运动
Exercise 锻炼

Ability – able to do something
eg. I have the ability to cook Italian pizza.
eg. I have good swimming ability.
Advice – telling someone something to help them
eg. My friend always gives me good advice for studying before tests.
eg. Drinking water in the summer is good advice.
eg. “Drink more water” is good advice

Quote = famous words from another person

Soda/soft drink/pop – 可乐,雪碧, 美年达


Smart English is where I study English.

” …. ” = use ” to show someone else said these words.


Thesaurus [th-a-sore-rus]

Calendar (cal-lin-dar)