VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use last class’ words (choose 10) in some writing. Connect the sentences with these words.

and / because / so / but / if / when / and then

Needs more review

fix – things
eg. I fix my computer because it is broken
correct – language / idea
eg. I correct your English because it is wrong / there is a mistake

because of = for + noun
because + sentence
to + verb 

pharmacy / drug store / chemist

Speaking exercise

2 months ago my husband’s feet were hurt. when he hurt he took painkiller. we went to hospital 4 times before because of his feet. The first time the doctor told us he must not have seafood and beer because it is not good for him. The second time the doctor told us he needs to often go hospital because he should take the medicine from hospital. The first day he took Chinese medicine but it was bad / useless / not useful. The 2nd day he changed to western medicine and it was good / helpful / useful. Now, he is better and he is happy.

full of help / full of use