Online Class Notes (Jesse)


people that we connect with / click with

late to company late to the office / late to work 

another company it’s born in 1960sfounded in the 1960s

weaknessesmake sure you mention you’re actively working to improve it 

Tell me about yourself: I’m the kind of person who____________________ – and I learned that about myself during my experience working as a ____ in ____ (company).

i intend on being in this company for at least the next 5 years, and my ideal job would be …

the likes and nonlikesdislikes 

sharp / good at thinking on their feet / quick minded

i’m the kind of people I’m the kind of person who… 

failure – I can 100% honestly say that I have never failed in my life, and let me tell you what I mean by that… of course I have “failed” … for example….. but to me…