Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

On this particular perspective, I’m (…). (…) maybe have some further conversations…

A few months, I did recorded a short video of myself singing some Chinese song. I want to be raised in a more financially rich family. At the same time, I picked up some egoness. I lost interest to the exams. I have always fetished the startup lifestyle…


On this topic, I’m (…) maybe have some more conversations/talk further. (…) I did record a short video (…). I want to be raised in a more well off family. At the same time, my ego grew. I lost interest in the exams. I have always fantasised about the startup lifestyle…


scenic: SEEN-nik

programming: PRO-gramming


hunch: an idea based on a feeling, without proof

well off: wealthy 条件好

(Continue with no. 15)