Online Class Notes (Jesse)


predict – to guess the future
eg. Lily predicted the questions

keep her company – to stay with sb and make them not lonely
eg. they will keep her company

she does her best to raise Wilbur – to do the best you can do / to try the hardest you can

straw / hay – dry grass

shut up – strong way to say “be quiet” – rude
eg. Can you shutup??!

adore – love
eg. I adore my cat

suck – xi
eg. I sucked the water through the straw

not familiar to me – mo sheng

we are short staffed – to not have enough staff
eg. our company is very short staffed right now

it’s out of our control – we can’t control it
eg. the COVID situation is out of our control

almost all of my colleagues / most of my colleagues


takes much time takes a long time 

much work – a lot of work / lots of work 


grass / glass

farm – “arrr” 


Deborah was angry at her son. Her son didn’t listen to her. Her son was 16 years old. Her son thought he knew everything. Her son yelled at Deborah. He told her he didn’t have to do anything. He didn’t have to listen to her. He didn’t have to go to school. He didn’t have to do his homework. He didn’t have to study. He was 16. He could do anything he wanted to do. What could Deborah do? She wasn’t married. She was divorced. She could not control her son. He would listen to his father. But his father was not there. His father lived in another city.

A farmer owns a lot of land. He grows food on that land. He grows the food from seeds. He plants seeds into the land.

your favourite thing is a farm