VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I only have time in weekends. My uncle and aunt moved to the US very early. After they received the US citizen title. If I was he (…)


I only have time on the weekends. My uncle and aunt moved to the US very early on. After they became US citizens. If I were him (…)


customer inquiries: 客户咨询问题

inquire: v. 咨询提问

OCD: 强迫症 obsessive-compulsive disorder

obsessive: someone who is crazily into something or someone

compulsive: 冲动的,无法控制自己的

pilates: 普拉提

Monday blues: 星期一带来了的不好的心情

Ex: I got the Monday blues and I don’t want to do anything today.

TGIF: thank god it’s Friday

therapeutic: 疗愈的

to pet a dog: to play with pets

cuddly: 很好抱的

Ex: My coworker’s cats are very cuddly.

cuddle: 躺着的搂抱

homebody: n. 喜欢宅在家里的人

Ex: JJ is such a homebody, she likes to stay home and knit on the weekends.

yarn: 毛线

arrogant: 傲慢的

arrogance: n. 傲慢

intimidated: 怕的(碰到厉害的人的时候和事情的时候)


inquire: in-QUIE-re (think about “quiet”)

inquiry: in-kriiiii


On the weekend/specific date (ex: January 3rd)/a day of the week (ex: on Friday)

In the morning/afternoon/evening