F2F Class Notes12th January (Raph)[W]


Due date (n): 1- the date on which something is expected to happen, especially the date on which a sum of money is expected to be paid or a baby is expected to be born.
E.g.: I received my credit card statement and sent a cheque for the full amount well before the due date.

Self-help (n): 1- a genre of books or other kind of materials designed to assist people in achieving things for themselves.
E.g.: Jason likes reading self-help books.


Past of seven AM. – Half past seven AM

She need to live in the hospital – She needs to stay in the hospital

I hope her is not lonely. – I hope she is not lonely.

Do you go to Century Park? – Have you been to Century Park?

Writing exercise


Reading is very useful for me. It can help me improve my knowledge, view, and so on. You will have a resonance If you have a same experience or situation. The history, biography is I like to read books. I also read management or encouragement when I feel tired.
My aunt told me reading is like that you have a conversation with the author. Because he was tell you his own story or his opinion about something. The experience and knowledge in his owe field is very important for . Perhaps he should is a elder.


Reading is very useful to me. It helps me improve my knowledge and point of view. Similar experiences or situations will resonate with you. I like to read history, biographies. I also read management or self-help when I feel tired.
My aunt told me reading is like having a conversation with the author, because he tells you his own story or his opinion about something. The author’s experience and knowledge in his own field is very important for me. It’s like talking to an elder.