F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I am not wasn’t ready

I am was ready for to catch that

Ready to do something

Ready for something

context – qingjing, qian hou wen

eg: You can only know if it’s ‘make’ or ‘let’ from the context.

Ready – NOW, you can … use it/ go/ do it/

eg: I am not ready to go, can you wait five minutes?   1:07pm

eg: Where is Zora?    She is getting ready.   1:07 – 1:12pm

eg: Ok I am ready, let’s go.   1:12pm

Prepare – get ready,  become ready, take time to get ready

eg: I prepared some coffees for the meeting.    I bought some coffees for the meeting.

eg: I prepared the wedding, I work at the wedding agency.  (She is great, she made the wedding ready on time)

eg: I prepared for the wedding, and my husband prepared for it too. (Someone who will go to the wedding, Guest)

eg: I need to prepare some food for dinner.

Prepare for – make yourself/something ready for something else


So, you didn’t have class after that one?


Yes, I didn’t

no, I didn’t

Ready to do something,    I wan’t ready to catch the pen.

Ready for something,

Writing exercise

For my experience of E-commerce company. I took charge of 9 online shopping platforms. I asked every platform’s inventory every morning. And I talked with websites of window manager then I wrote online activities for products sells.
I thought, my interviewer will focus on my advertising experience, surprisingly, my E-commerce work experience can help me stand out from the others.
But, until now, I didn’t received the company’s offer, I have no idea, maybe they want have a shanghai people to be members.

Yesterday, I get a phone call from a other 4A company’s HR. She wants a planner who serviced for car’s client before. I said, yes, I had cars’ planning experience. Actually, I did once strategy planning made by pow point. I don’t know, a little lie to a company’s HR, is this right?

My colleague who was left office, She asked me, you must prepared the answer of ” do you have a dream? “this problem. what a stupid question. Because My dream is, I’m not care about work!

During my experience in E-commerce. I took charge of 9 online shopping platforms. I requested every platform’s inventory every morning. And I was in contact with window manager websites then I wrote online activities for product sales.
I thought, my interviewer will focus on my advertising experience, surprisingly, my E-commerce work experience can help me stand out.
But, until now, I didn’t received any offers, maybe they want to have a shanghai locals to be members.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from another 4A company’s HR. She wants a planner who serviced for client’s cars. I said, yes, I had cars planning experience. Actually, I did a strategy plan with powerpoint. I don’t know, a little lie to a company’s HR, is this right?

My colleague who has left the office, She asked me, you must be ready to answer of ” do you have a dream? “this problem. what a stupid question. Because My dream is, to not care about work!