F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I ran here from work

I’ve worked there since last week.

Alphabet – All the letters of a particular language, English Alphabet has 26 letters, A,B,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l….

eg: Chinese language does not use an Alphabet. Korean language does use an Alphabet. Chinese language uses characters.

Alphabetize (V.) – to organize by the first letter of a word.

eg:     Ant,   Beer,   Cat,    Dog,   Elephant…..

eg: We need to alphabetize the books.

eg: The products are in alphabetical (ADJ) order. (They have been alphabetized)


Have Done    (At least once before and finished,   UNLESS  you specify When, or How long)

Have been to (a place)  I’ve been to Japan.

I’ve eaten a snake.  (at least one time before, I ate a snake)

I’ve worked there.   (Maybe you only worked there before, maybe you still work there)   since , For(total amount of time)

I’ve worked there for a week.

Have been doing   (Continuous, from the past till now)

I’ve been dreaming about ice cream all day.

I’ve been eating cookies all afternoon.

Worked     (Finished action)

I worked there for a week.   (We know you don’t work there anymore)