F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Emergence  (n): 1- the fact of something becoming known or starting to exist; to become or to become known.
E.g.: China’s emergence as an economic power has been amazingly fast.
E.g.: The emergence of a new drug for the treatment of cancer has been giving hope to patients all over the world.

Emergency (n/adj): 1- something dangerous or serious, such as an accident, that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs fast action in order to avoid harmful results:
E.g.: How would disabled people escape in an emergency?
E.g.: Is the emergency exit suitable for wheelchairs?
E.g.: The pilot of the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing on Lake Geneva.

Adolescence (n): 1- the period of time in a person’s life when they are developing into an adult. (n/adj: Adolescent)
E.g.: She had a troubled adolescence.
E.g.: She doesn’t understand the emotional problems of adolescents.

Period (n): 1- the bleeding from a woman’s womb that happens once a month when she is not pregnant. (= Menstruation)
E.g.: She was feeling lots of period pains, so she asked her boss if she could go home.
E.g.: She’d missed a period and was worried.

Puberty (n): 1- the stage in people’s lives when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children:
E.g.: At puberty, body hair develops and girls begin to menstruate (行经).

Problematic (adj): 1- full of problems or difficulties, or causing problems and difficulties.
E.g.: Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.

Indonesia (n): 1- 印度尼西亚

Myanmar (n): 1- 缅甸

Yemen (n): 1- 也门

Singapore (n): 1- 新加坡

Zambia (n): 1- 赞比亚

Honduras (n): 1- 洪都拉斯


It’s unllegal. – It’s illegal.

I’m waiting for a interview – I’m waiting for a ninterview

He wants to recommend a man doctor. – He wants to recommend a male doctor. 


Adolescence Now Lasts From 10 to 24
(Source: www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1801/180122-adolescence.html)

Scientists have changed their estimation of when adolescence ends and adulthood starts. Adolescence is that difficult time when children develop into adults. It was traditionally thought to coincide with our teenage years. However, scientists from the University of Melbourne have redefined this. They say it can start at the age of 10 and continue to the age of 24. Puberty used to occur around the age of 14, but because of improved health and nutrition, puberty can now start at the age of 10, especially in the developed world. Likewise, the upper age for when adolescence ends has been increased. This is because we stay in education longer, and delay responsibilities like marriage, parenthood and getting a job.

The scientists published their study in the “Lancet Child and Adolescent Health” journal. They say society needs to change laws to take into account the findings of the research. Professor Susan Sawyer said: “Although many adult legal privileges start at age 18, the adoption of adult roles and responsibilities generally occurs later.” The researchers say youth support services could be extended to the age of 25. However, this could be problematic in many countries around the globe. There is a big difference in the legal age at which nations recognize adulthood. Children legally become adults at the age of 15 in Indonesia, Myanmar and Yemen. In Singapore, Zambia and Honduras, the age is 21.


Ambulance: /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/

Ambulances:  /ˈæm.bjə.lənsez/

Annually: /ˈæn.ju.ə.li/

Emergence: /ɪˈmɝː.dʒəns/

Emergency: /ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si/

Helpless: /ˈhelp.ləs/

Adolescence: /ˌæd.əˈles.əns/


Teenage: /ˈtiːneɪdʒ/

Teenager: /ˈtiːneɪ.dʒɚ/

Scientist: /ˈsaɪən.tɪst/

Redefine: /ˌriː.dɪˈfaɪn/


Indonesia: /ˌɪn.dəˈniː.ʒə/

Myanmar: /mjɑːnˈmɑːr/

Yemen: /ˈjem.ən/

Singapore: /ˈsɪŋ.ə.pɔːr/

Zambia: /ˈzæm.bi.ə/

Honduras: /hɑːnˈdʊr.əs/

Depressed: /dɪˈprest/