VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

answer part 2: focus on each sentence starting with an introduction to the answer, with the answer at the end of the sentence.

maybe I will late for 2 or 3 minutes – I will be late be 2-3 minutes / I will be 2-3 minutes late 

Describe a meal you treated others to (at home or restaurant)
Where you had this meal
What you ate
Who you treated
How you felt about it

love the icecream very much i’m really into icecream 

icy flavor iciness / icy texture / icy feeling 

the ice cream

convenience store – bian li dian

cool myself down 

vegetarian – vej eh TAIR ee an 

thinking words: basically / you know / i guess / what i want to say is

have the habit of picking and choosing / being picky

from what I know / as far as I know

good cooked meat well cooked meat 

bland < > flavorsome

Animal Rights
Arguments for Animal Testing
Idea 1:促进学科研究(do medical tests on new drugs;to advance medical and scientific knowledge)
Idea 2:研究目的ä¸åœ¨æ€æˆ®ï¼ˆaim to minimise the suffering that animals experience / increases the population of a species which may be endangered specifically for the purpose of testing.)
Idea 3:有害的动物实验被ç¦æ­¢ï¼ˆTesting for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countries. )

Arguments against Animal Testing
Idea 1:动物实验本身具有éžæ­£å½“性
The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused.
There are alternative methods of research.
Idea 2:人类无æƒè¿›è¡ŒåŠ¨ç‰©å®žéªŒ
The lives of animals should be respected.
Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals.

Arguments for Vegetarianism
Idea 1:出于é“德考虑(for moral reasonsï¼›unnecessary to kill animals for foodï¼›question the treatment of animals in slaughterhouses)
Idea 2:出于å¥åº·è€ƒè™‘(for health reasons ï¼›reduce the risk of diseases like cancer)

Arguments against Vegetarianism
Idea 1:膳食ä¸å‡è¡¡ï¼ˆnot a balanced diet)
Idea 2:在一些地方ä¸å¯å®žçŽ°
In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals.
Idea 3:猎æ€åŠ¨ç‰©å¤©ç»åœ°ä¹‰ï¼ˆcompletely natural to kill animals for food)

Positives of Zoos
Idea 1:对动物ä¿æŠ¤è´¡çŒ®å·¨å¤§ï¼ˆplay an important role in wildlife conservationï¼›to protect endangered species)
Idea 2:促进学科研究(study animals and their behaviour)
Idea 3:具有教育æ„义(educationalï¼›enjoy learning about animals)
Idea 4:带æ¥å°±ä¸šå²—ä½ï¼ˆprovide job opportunities)

Negatives of Zoos
Idea 1:动物园里的动物被é™åˆ¶ï¼ˆkept in artificial environments or cages; have limited space; rely on humans;lose the freedom to hunt for food)
Idea 2:动物园的存在是éžé“德的(unethicalï¼›with the aim of making $ï¼›no right to use animals for entertainment and profit)
Idea 3:最好的ä¿æŠ¤é‡Žç”ŸåŠ¨ç‰©çš„方法是ä¿æŠ¤æ –æ¯åœ°
The best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats.