F2F Class Notes (Raph)[R]


Voluntary (adj): 1- done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it.
E.g.: She does voluntary work for the Red Cross two days a week.
E.g.: Since retiring from the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.

Singular (n): 1- of or relating to the form of a word used when talking or writing about one thing:
E.g.: The word “woman” is singular.
E.g.: The singular of ‘mice’ is ‘mouse’.

Plural (n): 1- a word or form that expresses more than one.
E.g.: “Geese” is the plural of “goose”.
E.g.: “Woman” in the plural is “women”.
E.g.: The plural of “millennium” is “millennia”

Flat (adj): 1-  level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts. 2- 平面
E.g.: The table is flat, but the ball is not.

Spherical (adj): 1- round, like a ball.
E.g.: The earth is not perfectly spherical.

Owl (n): 1- 猫头鹰

Sandpiper (n): 1- 鹬

Goose (n): 1- 

Philosophy (n): 1- 哲学


The shape of eggs helps birds fly well
(Source: breakingnewsenglish.com/1706/170625-eggs.html)

Scientists believe they know why birds’ eggs are different shapes. Some eggs are quite round; some are kind of potato-shaped; and others are longer and pointy. Two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said flatter eggs had female chicks inside them and rounder eggs contained male chicks. But he was wrong. A new study from Princeton University in the USA suggests that the shape of the egg depends on how well and how fast the female bird flies. Professor Mary Stoddard said: “It has not gone unnoticed that birds have evolved to [lay eggs with] shapes that are quite diverse in form – everything from a spherical owl egg to a pointy sandpiper egg.”

Professor Stoddard and her colleagues created a mathematical formula to map the shape of different eggs. They looked at almost 50,000 eggs from 1,400 different bird species. The researchers put the shape, length and height of the eggs into a computer database. They also looked at how oval the eggs were. The researchers found that the birds that laid the most-oval-shaped eggs were the best fliers. Professor Stoddard said: “We were shocked to see that one of the best explanations for egg shape variation was flight ability.” The researchers found that hummingbirds and sandpipers laid the most-oval-shaped eggs; owls laid the roundest eggs; and sea birds laid the pointiest eggs.


Last Sunday I go to Shanghai Library. – Last Sunday I went to Shanghai Library. 

On Saturday I have a rest. – On Saturday I took a rest. / On Saturday I rested.


Wheelchair:  /ˈwiːl.tʃer/

Down:  /daʊn/

Access: /ˈæk.ses/

Hour: /aʊr/

Lost: /lɑːst/

Traipse:  /treɪps/

Windmill: /ˈwɪnd.mɪl/

Amateur: /ˈæm.ə.tʃɚ/

Decade: /ˈdek.eɪd/

Millennium:  /mɪˈlen.i.əm/

Goose: /ɡuːs/

Geese: /ɡiːs/

Round: /raʊnd/

Spherical: /ˈsfer.ɪ.kəl/

Species: /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/

Variation:  /ˌver.iˈeɪ.ʃən/