F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Sign (n): 1- something showing that something else exists or might happen or exist in the future. 2- 迹象
E.g.: The fact that he’s eating more is a sign that he’s feeling better.
E.g.: I’ve searched for my hat, but there’s no sign of it anywhere (= I can’t find it).
E.g.: There was no sign of life in the building (= there seemed to be no one in it).
E.g.: Billy’s work at school has shown signs of improvement this year.
E.g.: All the signs are that the worst is over.

Optimistic (adj): 1- hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future. (n: Optimism)
E.g.: I’m very optimistic about our future together.
E.g.: There was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company’s future.

Pessimistic (adj): 1- thinking that bad things are more likely to happen or emphasizing the bad part of a situation. (n: Pessimism)
E.g.: The doctors are pessimistic (= not hopeful) about his chances of recovery.
E.g.: There is now a lot of pessimism about the economy.

Sashimi (n): 1- 生鱼片


I have meal just when I was hungry I have my meal. – I usually only eat when I’m really hungry. 

Before two week I ate octopus. – Two weeks ago I ate octopus.

My mean is… – What I mean is…

I talk to her less. – I don’t talk to her very often. / I usually don’t really talk to her.

I lost my dinner. – I vomited. / I threw up.

I am fever. – I had a fever.

At the correctly time. – At the right time. 


Stomachache: /ˈstʌm·əkˌeɪk/

Lifestyle: /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/

Spicy: /ˈspaɪ.si/

Child: /tʃaɪld/

Octopus: /ˈɑːk.tə.pəs/

Garlic: /ˈɡɑːr.lɪk/

Dehydrated: /ˌdiː.haɪˈdreɪ.t̬ɪd/

Porridge: /ˈpɔːr.ɪdʒ/

Sign: /saɪn/

Pessimism: /ˈpes.ə.mɪ.zəm/