F2F Class Notes (Tony)


We haven’t seen each other for a long time

talk about someone behind their back – to say bad things about someone when they are not listening

eg: We shouldn’t talk about someone behind their back, it’s not nice.

eg: He is always talking about me behind my back, but he’s afraid to say it to my face.

criticism N. – the things you say that are wrong with something.

eg: Helpful criticism is not the same as talking behind someone’s back.

(be) open to criticism – you can accept or understand your mistakes and try to change them

take criticism – Many professors at that school could not take criticism. If they made a mistake, they will just say they didn’t do it. didn’t make a mistake

be straight with someone – to be honest and tell someone how you really feel.

eg: When somebody makes mistakes you need to be straight with them.

eg: I’m straight with my sister when she is angry at someone but it’s her problem fault.

eg: I’m always straight with my parents when they ask me where I was.

eg: She asked me if I liked her cooking, and I couldn’t be straight with her, I didn’t like it, but I told her it was great.

criticize V. – to say what is wrong

eg: Please don’t criticize me in front of the children.


have done

have not done

have been seeing

eg: I have been seeing that same cat in front of my apartment for 2 years.

have not seen

eg: I haven’t seen you for a few months.


criticize – Critta size



crit duh size

critd uh size