F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.


必须-MUST, have to

你必须按时到达那里。You must be there on time.

不必-don’t have to

leaf /leaves(n): 1- one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch:
E.g.: By early November it’s getting cold and the trees are starting to lose their leaves.

E.g.: It was a sunny afternoon.

island (n):-岛, a piece of land completely surrounded by water:
E.g.: a desert island
E.g.: They live on the large Japanese island of Hokkaido.

plant (v): 1- to put a plant into the ground or into a container of soil so that it will grow:
E.g.: We planted trees and bushes in our new garden.
to plant a seed-播下种子


once or twice(一次到两次) a month I go to visit my grandmother



Speaking exercise

Here’s a castle in the sky, very tall, here’s a seed it can go to the castle. You MUST 播下种子-plant the seed and it’s very tall it’s leaf can help you. In the castle has a big giant, this giant has a chicken, it’s the ghost chicken. The chicken give ghost egg, many people want to the ghost chicken. So, they plant the seed, the leaf help them and they go to the giant

There was a castle high up in the sky,  there was a magical seed of a plant that could grow high up  to the castle. But first You MUST/have to 播下种子-plant the seed and it would grow  very tall it’s leaves can help you to climb up to the castle. In the castle lived a big giant, this giant has a chicken, it’s the ghost chicken. The chicken give ghost eggs, many people want to ed the ghost chicken. So, they planted the seed, hoping that  the leaves will help them to reach the giant island