F2F Class Notes (Nemo)[S]

hide (v)-隐藏go somewhere so no one can see you.
E.g.: Hide under the table, hide behind the door.

E.g.: It’s easy to drive a bicycle.
E.g.: It’s hard to learn French language


还有其他的吗-is there any other…game, food

E.g.: We drove across/over the bridge.
E.g.: the Nanpu Bridge

imagine (v): 想象, to think of something that’s not real as a real thing/person/ place
E.g.: I can imagine me flying in a spaceship

lose (v): 1-to no longer have something because you do not know where it is:
E.g.: I’ve lost my phone.
E.g.: He’s always losing his car keys.

我不喜欢这个味道-I don’t like this smell.

E.g.: I want to download a new game on my phone.

internet (n): 1-互联网
I want to play games on the internet
The internet is very slow

sentence (n): 句子, many words together saying one thing.

Speaking exercise

Today one alien is go to see he grandma, he says, maybe grandma home is in Chonming. So he in the car on the road he says “oh no” he crashed his car on the daqiao. And he grandma home is very tall have got many window she lives in tall building. Now is evening the moon is on the sky. He’s in the water-He floats to the surface. volcano now is boom he is under water he swim 他游上岸. going in the grandma house.

Today an alien is going to see his grandma, he says “Maybe grandma home is in Chonming”. So he got into the car and got onto  the road. He screamed says “Oh no!” he crashed his car on the bridge. his grandma’s home/building is very tall it got many window she lives in a tall building. Now is evening the moon is on the sky. The alien is in the water-He swam to the surface and then  volcano now is boom exploded he is under water he swam to the shore and he  entered in the grandma’s house.