F2F Class Notes (Mason)[s]


Do some research on the freemasons, or other cults, and do a small write up.


Harsh – to be excessive or mean; strict
eg. The teacher was very harsh when giving out punishments

Falter – to fail temporarily; a stop in work
eg. His performance at work has been faltering.

Scramble – to move fast, usually in an emergency or a time sensitive situation
eg. I am scrambling to write these reports by 5 o clock today

Demographic – statistics relating to society
eg. Americas gender demographics are 54% male, 46% female.

Sterilization – the process of making someone unable to ahve babies through surgery or medication
eg. Many countries performed sterilization on the mentally disabled in the past.

Invasive – something that goes where its not wanted
eg. The psychiatrists questions were very invasive.

Psychiatrists – a therapist who can give you pills

Elaborate – to expand on what you are talking about.

Pro-choice – you support womens right to get abortion

Pro-life – you are against abortion

Thin skin – very easily offended

Thick skin – hard to offend

Detrimental – to take away from; bad
eg. This new diet is detrimental to your health

Speaking exercise

Having a baby or not is my own thing.Whether or not I have a baby is a personal choice. 

In my opinion, baby is in charge of my life, and I will never give birth for the society. – In my opinion, when I have a baby it is my responsibility. I would not base my decision on what is good for society. 

When conflicts arise between one country and america, the US government would exaggerate on what they will do, but actually they may not do that. But trumps government will do what he says. – When conflicts arise between America and another country, the previous US government would exaggerate their position, but may not follow up on their threats. But Trumps government will do what he says.