F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Lightning – Image result for lightning
Thunder –
the sound after we see lightning
Storm – 风暴 / 暴风
Snowstorm – 
a lot of snow and wind

Human – a normal person

Bro – brother
Sis – sister
Chick – a pretty girl / a baby chicken
flick – movie/film
Chick Flick – a movie that mostly girls like to watch (girly movie)

Devil – opposite of god and very bad 魔鬼

Put –
Slip – put something but people don’t know

Astronaut – Image result for nasa

Trick – to lie or tell some something that’s not true

Lesbian [Les-bE-in] – girl who likes girls
Bi-sexual – likes guys and girls
Bi – two of something (bicycle)
Tri – Three of something  (tricycle)

Polar – very cold
Polarbear – white bear who lives in cold place (Canada)
Polar bear swim – swimming in the winter