F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Juggle – to throw things in the air because you only have 2 hands but many things
eg. I am juggling too many things with work, exams, family, interests, etc.

Properly – to do something correctly or the right way

Appease – do something to make someone happy
eg. It’s important for young people to appease their parents now a days

Maternity leave – time when women or men can take time off work for a new baby.

regret – to have a bad feeling about something that happened 后悔
eg. I regret not knowing all this stuff when I was 20.


I did something these past days.

I don’t didn’t pass the….

I am not very professional for at oil painting

at the age of me –> at my age

I talked/discussed/spoke  with my husband

We always recognize things too late.