F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)(S)

Speaking exercise

On December 31st I spend the whole night with my friends playing board role playing games. And celebrating my best friend’s 30th birthday. The next morning, I went back home to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday. We held a nice meal with all the families together. During the dinner we discuss the plan of my cousins wedding. During New Years Eve, I watched a movie with my parents. On the beginning of the New Year I received a message from the boy I like. Then I spent two days sleeping.

On December 31st I spent the whole night with my friends playing board games that requires role playing. And celebrating my best friend’s 30th birthday. The next morning, I went back home to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday. We had a nice meal with all the family members together. During the dinner we discussed the plan of my cousins upcoming wedding. During New Years Eve, I watched a movie with my parents. On the beginning of the New Year I received a message from the boy that I like wishing me Happy New Year. Then I spent the next two days sleeping.


Picky – Liking only a few things and therefore difficult to please.

E.g – Children are such picky eaters.

Digest –  To change food in your stomach into substance that your body needs.

E.g – I find that meat is hard to digest.

Mushy –  Soft and have no form of shape.

E.g –  Cook the beans until they are mushy.

Vinegar – A strong tasting liquid that is made from sour wine, malt of cider to add flavour and preserve things.

E.g – Would you like oil or vinegar on your salad?

Fragrance – A sweet or pleasant smell.

E.g –  The shampoo has a light fragrance of roses.


Soup – /suːp/