F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]

Speaking exercise

What did you do today?

Today is my mom birthday in the home. I eat a cake. I cut cake. ___ in the plant/plate. eat. I light the candles on my mom’s cake. I blow out the candles.

***We drew a storyboard on the whiteboard to help Athena practice sequencing (first, second, third, next, then, finally)

Today is my mom’s birthday. First, I put candles on my mom’s chocolate cake. Next, I light the candles. Then, my grandparents, mom, and I sing Happy Birthday. Fourth, I blow out the candles. Fifth, I cut the cake and put some on plates. Finally, we eat the cake. Yummy yummy! The end!


candle/s n. – 蜡烛
eg. I light the candles on my mom’s cake.
eg. I blow out the candles.

first / second or next / third or then / fourth / fifth / finally