F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [R]

Needs more review

He treat me at impolite way.He treated me in an impolite way. 

Can you hold your alcohol? 

A delicious meal or good drink can satisfy me. / A delicious meal or good drink are satisfactory.

I feel pressure from the people around me.

Everyone has flaws. Everyone is flawed.


Sinkhole in China

The moment that a huge sinkhole appeared on a city street in China was captured on camera. The footage later showed a motorcyclist looking down at his phone and driving straight into the abyss.

Thankfully, the unobservant motorcyclist made it out of the hole with only minor injuries.

Difficult words: abyss (a deep hole), unobservant (not observing – paying attention, looking).


chubby adj. – (especially of children) fat in a pleasant and attractive way

qingshuang = refreshing

I used to wear a headset while riding a bike but now I think it is dangerous because I can’t hear my surroundings (the environment around you).

I saw a news report about a lifeguard in Sanya who warned people who wanted to take a photo of the typhoon and post it on their Wechat Moments. 

The lifeguard commanded/forced the people to get off the rocks.

Safety Tips

Wear your seatbelt in the car. (They will punish 200yuan. – They will give you a 200RMB ticket/fine every time.)

Look both ways when crossing the street.