F2F Class Notes (Ally) [S]


decent: hao (mostly for people) zheng zhi
ie. He is  a decent guy so you should give him another chance.

cheat: zuo bi
ie. Krissa can only pass her driving test if she cheats.

cheat on: chu gui

gold-digger: bai jin nv
ie. He cheated on me with the gold-digging(adj) btch.

multiple choice: xuan ze ti

spray: pen (v and n)
ie. Krissa should use hairspray on her oily hair.
ie. Krissa spray her hair with dry shampoo because it’s getting oily.

fridge: refrigerator
ie. I bought a new expensive fridge with lots of cool functions.

supervise: (v) jian du (person) supervisor
ie. Can I talk to your supervisor?
ie. Can you supervise my children and make sure they do homework?
ie. We can have a party without parent supervision. (n)

annoy: fan
ie. He’s an annoying kid.
ie. Lily is annoying.

get rid: bai tuo (outdated)
ie. Get rid of your parents and come to the party.
ie. I want to get rid of some old clothing.

rest of : sheng yu de
ie. I put rest of the cake on the table.

hectic: mang luan
ie. My life has been so hectic.
ie. The airport security area was hectic because of the new virus prevention measure.

prevent: zu zhi
ie. The Chinese government prevented a national outbreak of the virus.
ie. The rain prevented me from coming here.


“in my life” = wo de ren sheng zhong

verb+ ing = noun (subjects and objects must be nouns)
ie. Always waiting for you makes me crazy/annoyed.
ie. Respecting old people is something every child needs to learn.
ie. Passing the drivers test on your first try is something we can be proud of./to be proud of.
ie. Being late is a habit you need to get rid of.
ie. Buying a new bag is my fantasy./is something I can only dream about.
ie. Meeting Kris Wu will be a moment I remember for the rest of my life./a lifetime.

“on time” = zhun shi <> late

“in time” = yi hou, as time passes..
ie. He will be a decent man in time.

“at this time” = zai zhe shi

Speaking exercise

Because last time and last last time, I knocked in time …
Because last time and the time before that, I knocked on time …

The previous student leave on what time?
When/What time did the previous student leave?

Today will some cleanup crew so my father need my stay home to see them. They will cleaning the washing machine and the fridge.
Today, some cleanup crew will come to my apartment so my father needs me to stay home and supervise them. They will clean the washing machine and the fridge.