F2F Class Notes 4th December (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

Master (referring to dance instructor) – teacher/instructor

I’m the VIP – I’m a VIP


Vocabulary 词汇

Intermediate – the level between beginner and advanced

Ex. Most of the people who attend these dance classes are at an intermediate level.

Perquisite – something that must be done before moving on to the next step

Ex. English 101 is a perquisite for English 102.

Scholarship – money given to a student to pursue (追逐) his or her studies, 奖学金.

Economics – 经济

Unit – the way that something is measured

Ex. The base unit of measurement in America is the inch.

Expressions 成语

The phrase “happy medium” means a satisfying compromise (妥协) between two decisions.

To describe your height in the U.S.A., you can say “I’m 5’8” (I’m five-eight).” This explains that you are five feet and eight inches in height, approximately 178cm. To talk about your weight you can say “I weigh 130 pounds (lbs).

“Friends with benefits” are friends that are also sexual interests, but that you are not interested in pursuing a relationship with. Normally, it is an agreement between two people to have meaningless sex.