F2F Class Notes 4th December (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

I heard this kind of program – I’ve heard of this kind of program

His experience is also very outstanding – his life story is really inspirational

Just his wife to support his family – his wife was the breadwinner

French people they took up a lot of land – the French colonized much of the world

The whole story was based on… – the whole story is based on…

The America invaded Iraq without the permission of UN – American forces (the American military) invaded Iraq without the UN’s permission.

There were a lot of different opinion – there were a lot of different opinions

He was in a very special condition – he was in a very unique situation

This is not the most important points which the director would like to share – this is not what the director is trying to emphasize

They asked a lot of questions to them – they asked them a lot of questions


Vocabulary 词汇

Progressive – forward-thinking, open-minded

Ex. Although he’s 62, he’s very progressive.

Breadwinner – the person who earns money and supports the family

Ex. Normally, men are the household breadwinners.

Hindi – 印度语

Ex. Hindi is one of the world’s major languages.

Interrogate – to ask a whole of questions, normally to find out information

Ex. The police officer interrogated the criminal.

Defect – to leave the military illegally

Ex. The soldier felt ashamed after defecting.

Expressions 成语

A “happy-medium” means a satisfying compromise.

Pronunciation 发音

Iraq (ih-ROCK)*

*Note: when talking about the war, it is now more common to say “the war in Iraq” instead of “the Iraq war”

Iraqi (ih-ROCK-ee)

Invaded (in-VAY-did)

Recorded (rih-CORE-did)

Texas (TECK-siss)

Courageous (curr-AYE-juss)