F2F Class Notes 26th November (Selma)


  • In my field, the customer comes first.
  • fencing – a game with sword figthing
    • e.g. Jason likes fencing.
  • reaction/response time 
  • to tease (v) – to pretend you are doing something with one intention, while in fact you are doing something else.
    • e.g. In fencing, teasing your opponent improves their response time.
    • e.g. He teases me a lot.
  • Several –  a few
  • To be absent
    • e.g. I had to be absent.
    • e.g. I was absent
  • to be present
  • to be alive
  • to be dead


The will call me at on Friday. 

Professional Japanese Fencer = A Japanese man who does fencing professionally

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I putted my car in the garage because my car was crashed by another one. We need to more than two weeks repair it, the mechanic told me. That’s inconvenience for me. Every work day I drive my car on the way between some long distance outskirts. Unfortunately, I had to absents some activities. Actually, I won’t choose public train sport because they have some problems: like crowded, waiting time, and change different ways to the destination.
On Monday morning, The mechanic called me: you will pick your car up tomorrow. That’s great,I think.


I left my car at the mechanics  because my car was hit (by a bus/truck/other vehicles). “We need more than two weeks to repair it”, the mechanic told me. That’s inconvenient for me/that’s an inconvenience for me. Every day, Monday through Friday, I drive my car between different districts in the outskirts (of Shanghai). Unfortunately, I had to be absent for some of the activities.  I didn’t want to use public trains because they have some problems, such as: they are crowded, you have to wait for a long time, and change trains in order to get to your destination. On Monday morning, the mechanic called me: “You can pick up your car tomorrow.”  I thought (to myself), ‘That’s great”.

Present – to think – to put

Past Tense – thought – put

Past Participle – have/had thought  – have/had put