F2F Class Notes 12th September (Celeste)

Homework for next class: Finish writing the story below, answer the questions to help you make your story longer. Remember your past tense grammar (who + past tense verb).

Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?


All the students and the teachers danced/performed for the studio’s 10th anniversary. It’s on Saturday, we had rehearsal in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we put on our makeup, dress on and prepare for the show. The place is so far away, I have no idea where it is. The show was started at 7:30PM. Then the foreign teachers/dancers they are started the show.


All the students and the teachers danced/performed for the studio’s 10th anniversary.t  It was on last Saturday, we had rehearsal in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we put on our makeup, got dressed, and prepared for the show. The place is so far away, I had no idea where it was. The show started at 7:30PM. Then the foreign teachers/dancers started/opened the show.

What song did you dance to?

What style?

What did your costume look like?

How many people danced?

How many people were in the audience?

Which performance was your favorite and least favorite? Why?