F2F Class Notes 12th September (Tony)

I come from wuxi near to shanghai. I’m from wuxi, which is near Shanghai

in business world. In business

I worked on subsidiaries. I work for a subsidiary

My new company wanted open the headquake company in signapore. My new company is going to have a headquarters in Signapore

You like to live in China in but sometimes you think it’s difficult for foreigner. You like living in China, but sometimes it’s difficult for foreigners.

I like living in Shanghai, but I love living in Japan.

I’m in my vacation. I’m on vacation.

We select a location and study rules of that countries. We select a location and study the rules of that country.

would you enjoy our company. Would you like to work for us?

after class I’m going to swim. After class I’m going swimming.


prepositions: often short words to help you understand a sentence and it’s meaning

Regulations: rules regarding business or an institution

Parent company: The larger company which owns smaller companies

Subsidiaries: the smaller company owned by a parent company

Tax Haven: A place to avoid paying high taxes

every, any: Every includes all the things. any means only of the things, but it doesn’t matter which one.


next door

one at a time

on the internet/ online


