F2F Class Notes 10th August (Ben)

I went to Henan two weeks ago.
Henan is very beautiful.
There are a lot of mountains.

But the food in Henan make me stomach ache.
-> made me have a stomach ache (countable)
-> the food gave me a stomach ache.

Luoyang is the ancient capital of China.
You can feel a sense of history there.
People in Luoyang love to eat meat.

meet = 认识, 碰到
meat = 肉

I don’t really like = 我不太喜欢
I really don’t like = 我真讨厌

Usually, people say “I don’t really like”

I don’t really like to eat meat.

Its very hard for me.
its = 它的
it’s = 是
–> It was very hard for me.

This picture is THE famous Shaolin Temple.
Chinese kung-fu its very cool.
–> The kung-fu there is very cool.

tomb 坟墓

We also went to see the tomb of Bao Zheng in Kaifeng. He is the Chinese Sherlock Holmes.

At the end, id like to say I had a good holiday.
id –> I’d (I would)

At the end, I’d like to say I had a good holiday.

I take classes during summer.

teach / taught / taught

Yesterday, you taught many classes.

very like –> really like

Shanghainese people really like sweet food.

sweet and sour pork ribs 糖醋小排

I bought a cake to give you for your birthday.