F2F Class Notes 10th August (Jesse) ***

environmentally friendly

condescending (adj)
eg. we don’t like it if you are condescending to us

assertive – confident
confrontational – fighting
eg. being assertive in business as a woman is a very useful skill

speak the truth out 

objective < > subjective 

difficult – diff ic ool t

always – not “wol ways” 

olympic games – just say the 2nd pushing sound (don’t say c, say “g”)

events / races

campaign > event > activity
competition > event / race / match > round / heat / stage

win – pr – like an “o” but move

vin – pr – like an “f” but push

previous – pr – pree vee us”

this – pr

sportsmen / athletes (m / f)

athletics – tian jing
sport – yun dong

record keeper – sb who is responsible for keeping records

record holder – sb who set a record themselves

set a record = to create a record yourself

200m freestyle
100m butterfly

to get gold medal to get gold 
eg. i’m going for gold.

simple – practice going from “P” to “L” directly, with no “or” in the middle.

underdog – sb who is not expected to win
eg. i love watching underdogs because it’s always exciting when they win or get close to winning

i heard it on the tv news i saw it on the news = tv

the experience of themtheir experience

adversity / obstacle / difficulties 

metaphor for life…. talk about this next class