2 X F2F Class Notes (Vicki)


If you were to design a recyclable piece of clothes, what would it be like? what material would you use? how much would you sell it for?


Scientists think they have found an answer to the problem of food shortages. One solution could be for us to eat jellyfish. This could also help to protect fish and other sea life that are endangered. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia conducted a study of fishing around the world. They discovered that fishing nets caught 92 endangered species of seafood and 11 species of marine life classed as “critically endangered”. The researchers said this was not illegal as the creatures were not protected. Researcher Dr Leslie Robertson said: “Despite national and international commitments to protect threatened species, we actively fish for many of these threatened species.”

The researchers warned we are eating species of fish and other sea life that are on the brink of extinction. They suggested that eating jellyfish could help protect fish that are in danger of disappearing from our seas and oceans. Jellyfish could become a common sight on menus, and we could ask for jellyfish and chips instead of fish and chips. The researchers said jellyfish could be a sustainable alternative at seafood restaurants and fish shops. Dr Robertson said seafood is “not as sustainable as consumers would like to think”. She added: “It is possible to manage our fisheries sustainably and eat species that can survive the fishing pressure. We just have to care about weird-looking squishy things like sea cucumbers.”


episode – 集

season – 季

conservative – 保守

free-spirited – okay to talk about anything

chapter – 章节

native (adj.) – 本土化的 local
i.e. You are a native Chinese speaker. -> Chinese is your mother language.
i.e. Are you a native speaker?
i.e. This method is a native treatment for coughs.

cough – 咳嗽

memorize – remember

error – mistake

advanced – 高级的

platform – 平台

European – 欧洲的

cutting-edge – innovative

innovative – 创新

edge – 边缘

transfer – 调度

public relation – PR 公关

colorful – many many colors

messy – 乱的

manner – 气质

lively – 活泼的

they can’t pull it off – 无法驾驭

print – 印刷

weird – strange

squishy – wet and soft

fishery – 捕鱼人

extinction – 灭绝

brink – edge

chips – 薯条/薯片

sustainable – be able to last for a long time 可持续的

alternative – 备选 another option

shortage – lack of sth. 短缺

jellyfish – shui mu

endangered – is facing danger 濒临灭绝

conduct – 操作 execute
i.e. I am conducting an experiment.

net – wang

specie – 物种

marine (adj./n.)- sea 海的 / 海军
i.e. The marine environment is not very good.
i.e. My brother joined the marine.

critically – seriously

despite – 尽管
i.e. Despite the cold weather, we still need to go outside.

commitment – promise 承诺

waste – 浪费

industry – 产业


meet vs. encounter

meet -> for people

encounter ->things / troubles
i.e. They encountered many problems, but they were very optimistic

Her spirit is worth to learn -> her spirit is very note-worthy / her spirit is very honorable / she has a very strong spirit


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