VIP Class Notes (JJ)


The resemblance is uncanny – when two things/people look exactly the same or very identical (like JJ and Joker)

outfit: 穿着打扮

germophobe: 细菌恐惧症

phobia: 恐惧症

claustrophobia: 密集空间恐惧症 (people who are scared of being locked in small, confined spaces)

anxiety: 焦虑 ang-ziety

beach: 沙滩

grab: 抓着

underwater: 水下面

fear n.: 恐惧

goggles: glasses that are for swimming or for working in labs

myopia: 近视 (my-opia)

astigmatism: 散光

prescription: 度数,处方

What’s your prescription (when asking someone about their eyesight)?

– 7.

frame: 镜架

posture: 坐姿站姿

aesthetician: 美容师 (艾s-te-ti-tion)

aesthetics n.: 美观

She has a great sense of aesthetics (审美观很好)

practice piano: 练习钢琴

eye drop: 眼药水

data: 流量

Ex: JJ ran out of data earlier today.

signal: 信号

Ex: I don’t have signal right now so I’ll call you later.

authentic: 正宗

authentic leather: 真皮

phony: inauthentic


breath n. —-> think of bread

breathe v. —-> think of leaf or eat