VIP Class Notes (Vicky)

Speaking 1

What school do you go to?

I go to HD Shanghai school, which is a private international school.

What subjects do you take

I take many subjects such as mandatory/ voluntary

Your favourite teacher

I think I like economics teacher the best>the most

She will > she does

She teaches us not only economics but also other topics which are useful

What do you like to do in your free time?

listen to music, chat with friends about interest things at school, play video games to relax

How long do you spend on chatting with your friends?

What is one interesting thing you chat with your friends?

Can you describe your apartment?

What is your favourite part of the apartment?

Put something about myself?

Put my favourite personal things such as books, toys

Do you like your neighbourhood?

What is it like?

When I go back home> I see children playing in a garden on the way home

What are your neighbours like?

Warm-hearted, kind, helpful, generous to each other

What would you like to change about your neighbourhood?

Sometimes it can be too noisy in the night

So we can sleep better

Do you use smartphone a lot?

I will call my parents, I will also find information >I call, I look up information

Do you think you use smartphone too much?

It hurts my eyes>It’s not good for my eyes

What is your favourite food?

Potato chips

It is something I enjoy without worrying about allergy

What foods do you like from other countries?

Do you think you are a healthy person?

Yes I do. Because I m allergic to many foods so I m pretty careful about what I eat

Can you tell me about your sister?

Information about her look, age, hobbies

How often do you spend time with your family? What do you do with them?

We go to restaurants for dinner or lunch> we eat out

We visit museums or places of interests in Shanghai

Do you think you are a good student?

well, it’s hard to say. I m not good at Chinese as a subject, but I have been working hard in all subjects

What do you normally do in the morning?

Besides routines like having breakfast, I enjoy some reading

What’s your favourite music?

I pay more attention to the music in the video game> I particularly like the background music in the video games which can be cheerful, exciting, also they come with an interesting story

Speaking 2

Describe a child

Who the child is, how did you know them, what they enjoy doing, why you like them a lot

Children I met last summer, in the garden, we rode bicycles together for 2 weeks, this child is my neighbourhood, he lives in another apartment, how I knew him is when we rode, We rode for 2 hours and even longer. He’s energetic, he always have exercise with me, he’s talkative, I can talk to him about sports, he’s generous, he always give men food and snacks

Card Sample Answer 1

Who did you visit and where did they live?

Visiting my family members has always excited me. When I was a child, my family members made it a habit to visit each other during vacations. Now I would like to talk about the time I visited my sister at her new home which was in a serene residential area in a different city. This is the house that she started living in after her wedding in 2023.

Why did you make this visit?

I visited to congratulate my sister on her marriage, meet her husband, and get acquainted with her new surroundings and family.

What happened during this visit?

During the visit, I was warmly welcomed by my sister’s husband and his family. We enjoyed a delicious meal together and spent the evening sharing stories, reminiscing about our childhood, and getting to know her new in-laws.

What did you enjoy about this visit?

I particularly enjoyed witnessing my sister’s happiness in her new role as a wife and daughter-in-law. It was happy to see how well she had adjusted to her new life and how warmly she was embraced by her new family. I really loved the time that we spent together mainly because I was leaving abroad in the next few months. The visit left me feeling happy for my sister and grateful for the warm welcome I received from her new family.

do people visit their family on holidays nowadays? Is it different from old times?
does it still a tradition?

Writing task 1 pie chart

Sample Answer

The pie charts depict the proportion of travelers using five different modes of transportation to commute to a university for work and study purposes in 2004 and 2009.

We can observe from the pie-charts that the ratio of people commuting by cars significantly decreased from the year 2004 to 2009 while the other modes of transportation witnessed an upward trend.

Over half of the people (51%) in 2004 traveled by car followed by bus which recorded a ratio of 33%. It is apparent that only 9% of people used bicycles to commute to university which was about three times the ratio of commuters who used the train. Meanwhile, 4% of the people preferred to walk to go to the university.

The proportion of bus-based travelers rose significantly by 13% as a new bus stop was introduced at the university in 2006. Further, some modifications were made to the car parking in 2008 at the university which led to the ratio of car travelers dwindled to 28%.

In contrast, the percentage of bicyclists  witnessed a substantial rise by 7% along with the train passengers and pedestrians proportion which followed an upward trend to 4% and 6% respectively.