VIP Class Notes (Vicky)

Chance v.s. opportunity

Chance is without certainty

Opportunity>job opportunity

Job sation? Job description

I accept>I accepted this offer

I didn’t on any learning or working status>There’s a big gap before I started the job

At that moment, I think I cant wait>I thought I couldn’t wait anymore

It covers many things>It offers a wide range of products such as

Magazines >pronunciation

A part of it>some of them are Japanese novels

I will check them if books match brand image>I check and decide if they match brand image

recall some sentences> I don’t know how to put it in English

surroundings, they are not very tall? There aren’t many skyscrapers around the town.

a beautiful view on the sunset > there’s always beautiful sunset view/ I really enjoy the beautiful sunset view.

sometimes I was walk through the park nearby the sea with my friends and the most important part is people trying to enjoy their moment. They not push themselves very stressful, they know how to let themselves happy

Sometimes I walk around the park near the sea with my friends. The most impressive thing is that people enjoy their life very much. They are not stressed, they know how to enjoy life.

content >feel satisfied

that status very attracting me >I was attracted to the lifestyle

They hope my development in China. UK distance is too long, they cant see me if they want to.

My parents wanted me to develop career in China. The UK is too far away from China and they cant see me whenever they want.

He need to contact insurance company>needs

Maybe his plan will be cut off>is ruined

I cant remember that>I don’t remember that

I get out of my door to the subway station about 5 minutes after 9 o’clock>I leave home 5 past 9

I will work or walk more quicker? I walk quicker

On time v.s. in time

Out of order means doesn’t work

I will calm down and find a reason, why it let me feel not very good. Let me feel better.

Maybe I m confusing>When I feel confused



I don’t want them to concern about me>I don’t want my parents to worry about me

I contact with my mum twice or 3 times every week>I talk to my mum