VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Speaking exercise

The race is starting. The cat goes to theĀ South of California. There is areĀ many cars there so they need to use their car skills to pass through the trafficĀ across there. And Tom’s car goes across there but his car is too tall so his car crashes on a hole and he uses anĀ anchor to keepĀ get him on the hole but because the car is very fast so heĀ fliesĀ on the ground. And an old lady’s car goesĀ across him and he wants to drive his car but there’re many cars that goĀ across him and his car isĀ broken. And his car falls down on his body. And he drives hisĀ car and then Jerry’s car is very small so he can drive his car under the others’ cars. Tom sees Jerry’s car drives very fast so he uses aĀ magnetĀ toĀ suck Jerry’s car. Then Jerry’s car let outĀ put some ink on Tom’s face. Then theĀ fishing rod wrapsĀ take on Tom’s neck so Tom can’t drive his car. Then they go to the finish line. But the people think they need to change the finish line, to change to the Amazons. And there’s a broken bridge and the old lady’s car isĀ stuckĀ on the bridge and sheĀ pushesĀ her car to the ground and Tom sees aĀ road sign and he changes the road sign and then a woman drives her car and thinks thatĀ the road sign will not lie toĀ people, so she trusts the road sign. And then she falls down into theĀ quicksand.Ā And she asked the computer how to go out the quicksand but it’s tooĀ late so she jumps out to on the ground and changes the road sign.

Tom is always listening toĀ something about the ghost so he’s always afraid ofĀ ghosts. And Jerry knows this and heĀ pretends to beĀ like a ghost toĀ scare Tom and Tom thinks it’s a ghost so he always runs away. Jerry uses theĀ wind machineĀ to blow onĀ a white coat and Tom is very afraid and heĀ lies downĀ on the ground andĀ plays dead. And Jerry uses some water to spray on Tom’s face and then Tom runs away to the stairs andĀ hugs the stairs. Then he runs to the other room and he sees Jerry is use something to scare him and he wants to catch Jerry and then Jerry runs into someĀ white powderĀ and the master hears the noiseĀ something. He thinks its aĀ thief.Ā and Tom sees his master but he thinks it’s Jerry. So he bites his master and his master uses a stick toĀ beatĀ Tom.

There’s a lake and there are many fish in the lake but people can’t fish in it. But Tom want to go there and fish. There is a dog in it. The dog is asleep. Tom uses Jerry asĀ bait to fish and Jerry thinks the lake is so cold so he runs away. But Tom take Jerry in the lake again. There is a big fish and he wants to eat Jerry so Jerry runs away. Tom sees the big fish and wants to catch the big fish.