VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Read “The Woodpecker’s Bank”


dismissal – 下课

woodpecker – 啄木鸟

crumb – 食物渣

garage – 车库

frighten – å“

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean was taking a bath and he put his toy boat into the water and it floated up. And he went into his car and he drove and saw a movie. It was a boat sinking in the water. And he was trying to go to the movie theatre but the traffic was so bad. He wanted to find a parking spot and go into the movie theatre and see the movie. The parking spots were all taken by other cars. And he tried to squeeze in the empty space between two cars and the policeman came and Mr Bean pointed at the red car and said “this is my car.” And the policeman didn’t believe him and he took the key and opened the green car. And the policeman said “get out of here.” and when the policeman walked to the other place, Mr Bean got into the empty space again. And the policeman came back again and he said “get me some money” and Mr Bean put a twenty into the parking meter. And it didn’t fit. And Mr Bean went into a shop and bought a screw and the man gave Mr Bean a lot of coins. And he brought teddy and went into the movie theatre and Mr Bean gave coins to the registry and the registry gave him a ticket. And Mr Bean went in. And he ate popcorn with teddy and the movie started and the boat sank in the water and the movie said “oh no.”