VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Use the grammar we learned today to write 10 sentences.


-oo (long)
hoop 篮筐, tooth 牙齿(单数), room 房间, root 根, boot 靴子, moon 月亮
The root of my tooth hurts 疼.

-oo (short)
book 书, hook 钩子, cook 烧饭/厨师, look 看, wood 木头, hood 帽子
Sam likes to look at his books.

-aw (哦)
straw 吸管, draw 画画, lawn 草坪, saw 锯子, paw 爪子, yawn 打哈欠
The pup yawns and licks 舔 his paw.

-au (哦)
sauce 酱, haul 货车, laundry 洗衣服, pause 暂停, autumn 秋天
Jan makes 做 sauce with 和 her friend, Paul.

-ow (ao)
towel 毛巾, crown 王冠, howl 嚎叫, town 小镇, bow 鞠躬, brow 眉毛
I wear 穿戴 my crown all over 到处 town.

-ou (ao)
snout 猪鼻子, shout 大叫, house 房子, mouse 老鼠, ground 大地, loud 大声的
The little mouse lives in the big house.

-oi (哦诶)
oil 油, boil 烧开水, spoil 腐烂, coin 硬币, point 指, foil 锡纸
Greg points at the coin on the ground.

-oy (哦诶)
cowboy 牛仔, toy 玩具, destroy 毁坏, annoy 烦人, joy 快乐, oyster 生蚝
The cowboy plays with his toys all day long.


hoodie - 连帽卫衣

mane - 鬃毛

trunk - 大象鼻子

lion - 狮子

elephant - 大象

neck - 脖子

mouth - 嘴巴

giraffe - 长颈鹿

hippo - 河马


I am vs. I have

an -> a, e, i, o, u

he is vs. he has

am/is/are 是

I am

you are

he/she/it is

they/we are

have/has 有

I have

you have

they/we have

he/she/it has

he/she/it 以及所有单个人名  -> 第三人称单数

I run.

You run.

He runs.

Ivy runs.

We run.

They run.