VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Read “A Surprise for Bobby”


make sentences with the new words


blanket 毛毯, blender 榨汁机, blimp 小飞艇, blizzard 暴风雪, blocks 积木, blew 吹

clean 干净的, clothes 衣服, clam 贝壳, clown 小丑, clock 钟, cloud 云

flower 花, float 浮, floor 地板, flame 火焰, floss 牙线, flag 旗子

glasses 眼镜, glue 胶水, glow 发光, glove 手套, globe 地球仪, glad 开心

play 玩, plant 植物, plumber 下水道工人, plug 塞子, pliers 老虎钳, plow 铲