VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


bring your listening book next time


police academy – jin cha xue xiao

civil police – min jin

honorable – shen sheng de
i.e. Policemen are very honorable.

strengthen – jia qiang
i.e. You need to strengthen your muscles.

lift up – ju qi

cruise – you lun

it stars … and …

bankrupt – po chan
i.e. Her family is about to be bankrupt.

love at first sight – yi jian zhong qing

crash – zhuang
i.e The cruise crashed on an iceberg.

Speaking exercise

A Foreign Film You Enjoyed
Describe a foreign film that you enjoyed watching. * You should say:
what type of film it was
who the actors were
what the film was about *
and explain what you liked (and possibly disliked) about this film.

An Interesting Animal
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal. You should say:
what animal it was
where you saw it
what happened when you saw it
and explain why you thought it was interesting. *