VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Speaking exercise

An interesting conversation
Describe an interesting conversation that you’ve had with others What you talked about
Who you talked with
When/where did you have this conversation
Why you thought it was interesting

An old person
Describe an older person who you respect Who it is
How you knew him / her
What kind of person he/she is
Why you respect them

A Time When You Stayed Away from Home
Describe a time when you stayed (far) away from your home. You should say:
where it was
how long you stayed there
what you did there (or, why you stayed there) and explain how you felt about it


thrilled – very very happy
i.e. I was so thrilled to be able to take a picture with him.

launch – 发售
i.e. Today is the launch of my new line of my shoes.

strict – 严格的
i.e. He is a very strict person.

earnest – 认真的

responsible -负责的

passionate -热情的

role model -榜样

dedicate – to give honor to sb.
i.e. I dedicate this award to my parents.


Write it down and bring it to class next time

A Book You Recently Read
Describe a book you recently read. You should say:
what book it was
when you read it
what the contents of the book were and explain why you read this book

A Prize or Award
Describe a prize or award you would like to receive. You should say:
what it is
what you would need to do to get it
whether or not others are interested in getting this prize or award and explain why you would like to receive this prize or award.

A project or homework
Describe a project or homework assignment that you did
What it was
When you did it
How you did it (was it hard/difficult) How you felt

An important job
Describe an important job in your country What it is
What people do in this job
Is it hard to do this job
Why you think it’s important

Some Useful Advice that You Received
Describe a situation (or time) when you received some useful advice. You should say:
what the situation was
who gave you the advice
what the advice was
and explain how this advice was useful to you.